Warren Christopher Dies At Age 85
March 20, 2011 Featured News

Former Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, died at age 85. Clinton appointed Christopher died of complications of kidney and bladder cancer his family stated.

The Democrat’s accomplishments included promoting a ban on nuclear weapons tests before he resigned in 1996. Christopher also supervised the Florida recount for Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election.

Involved in negotiations to reach a settlement in 1995 for Bosnia, Christopher helped end the war among Muslims, Serbs and Croats that killed 260,000 people and displaced 1.9 million people.

Christopher highly backed the reform in Russia and the expanding U.S. economic ties with Asia.

Former President Jimmy Carter gave Christopher the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award, for being the “best public servant he ever knew,” Carter stated in his memoirs.

He is survived by wife Marie and had four children in two marriages. Plans for a private memorial service are underway.

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