Jamaican health officials are concerned the trend of skin bleaching has reached dangerous levels in the slums of this Caribbean island nation.
Poorer residents of Jamaica see lighter skin as their ticket to carving out a new life among the elite classes in Jamaican society. Increasing numbers are taking desperate measures to buy black market lightening creams to use on their skin. These creams are not regulated by the central government and contain many dangerous toxins.
Some creams are illegal ointments smuggled into the country and sold by street vendors and contain a number of dangerous substances ranging from mercury to hydroquinone. Both substances are toxic and can cause permanent disfigurement.
The Jamaican Ministry of Health has not reported any official data on the damage caused by skin-bleaching products. Dermatologists and other health officials working in the country, however, report cases related to skin bleaching disfigurements are on the rise.