Under the pressure of increasing gas prices, President Obama announced a plan to reduce dependency on foreign oil by decreasing oil imports by one-third by 2025. In order to do so he wants Americans, particularly young Americans, to focus on using more fuel efficient cars to show automakers that there is a demand for alternative fueled vehicles. His plan also calls for an increase in domestic production of oil and developing cars that are more fuel efficient.
The President hopes that by decreasing oil imports by one-third over the next decade that it will stabilize oil prices and that prices at the gas pump will be less affected by events occurring around the world. He urges that Americans most stop “going from shock to trance” in response to prices at the pumps and instead, we must take action now to stop our prices from being inconsistent.
Obama also has ordered safety evaluations of nuclear power plants in response to the problem in Japan. He still feels that nuclear power is important for America’s future.