April 10, 2011 Featured News

A Libyan rebel commander has cited that NATO has been taking too long to respond to calls for airstrikes and is allowing people to die every day in Misratah.

A UN sponsored mandate permits ‘all necessary measures’ to protect the citizens of Libya; NATO deputy spokeswoman, Carmen Romero, told the AFP news agency “Misratah is our number one priority”.

Despite NATO saying that allied airstrikes have reduced Gaddafi’s military  by as much as a third, the rundown and disorganized rebels in the eastern part of the country, are in retreat from heavy bombardment by Gaddafi’s troops.

RAF jets destroyed seven tanks in continuing air strikes after a ‘friendly fire’ incident on Thursday killed four rebels in a bomb attack. NATO offered no apology for the attack saying they were not aware that the opposition troops were using tanks.

There are now 34 nations participating in the operations in Libya.

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