Jury sentences marathon bomber to death
May 17, 2015 Featured News

BOSTON (AP) — The jury sentences Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death.

The jury reached a decision Friday in the penalty phase of the death penalty trial after 14 hours of deliberations.

Tsarnaev was convicted last month of all 30 federal charges against him, 17 of which carried the possibility of the death penalty.

The 2013 bombing killed three people and injured more than 260 others. Tsarnaev killed a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer days later.

The defense sought to save Tsarnaevs life by pinning most of the blame on his radicalized older brother.

Prosecutors portrayed Tsarnaev as an equal partner in the attack and so heartless he placed a bomb behind children, killing an 8-year-old boy.
Jury sentences marathon bomber to death

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