Barry Bonds Smiling at Current Turn of Events
April 4, 2011 Featured News

The Barry Bond’s perjury trial took an unusual turn this week. Bonds, being prosecuted for lying to a federal grand jury in 2003, was seen grinning as he left the courtroom Friday, apparently encouraged by the testimony of Dr. Arthur Ting. Ting’s testimony contradicted the testimony of the prosecution’s star witness, Bond’s former business partner Steve Hoskins.

Hoskins had testified previously this week that an elbow injury suffered by Bonds in 1999 was the result of steroid use. This was the statement told to Hoskins by Dr. Ting himself. Ting vehemently denied having made the statement.

The jury will most likely make a decision in the case soon. The likelihood of reaching a guilty verdict looked to be a virtual slam dunk by the prosecution earlier in the week but now  is very much in question. Bonds and his legal team showed positive emotion for the first time after Ting’s testimony.

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