Barry Bonds Pleads Not Guilty For Fourth Time
March 20, 2011 Featured News

After testifying to a federal grand jury stating he never knowingly used performance-enhancing drugs, Barry Bonds is facing a trial on Monday, March 21, for allegedly falsifying his testimony.

Charged with perjury, Bonds is facing 15 to 21 months in prison if found guilty.

The ex-San Francisco Giants record holder states that if he ever took steroids, it was at the request of his trainer and he was unaware.

The case of The United States vs. Barry Lamar Bonds will be heard in court on Monday, after Bonds has pled not guilty once more. His indictment has been rewritten again, claiming that Bonds perjured himself on the stand in the 2003 trial.

The government claims Bonds told repeated lies during his December 2003 testimony. The home-run king has had to plea not guilty four times, due to various claims he lied during testimony.

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