Terms And Conditions

1.1 The details set out below apply to the entire contents of this Website (the “Website”) and to any correspondence by e-mail between us and you. By accessing the Website you agree to be bound by partnersthese terms, conditions and disclaimers (the “Terms”).

1.2 You may access most areas of this Website without registering your details with us. Certain areas of the Website are available to you if you choose to register. If you access any part of this Website, you will be deemed to have accepted the Terms in full. If you do not accept the Terms, you should leave this Website immediately.

1.3 While we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy, currency, availability, correctness and completeness of the information contained on this Website, information is provided by our clients and is provided on an open “as is”, “as available” basis and we do not give or make any warranty or representation of any kind, whether expressed or implied including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, correctness of information contained within the articles, or non-infringement. You acknowledge that any reliance on information or material in this Website is at your own risk. Before used using or relying on any information contained on this website you should conduct your own due diligence and verify any and all information to be used.

Information on this Website may change at any time without notice.

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(c) Our attribution (AssociatedNews, AN) must be included with any articles reproduced; and

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