The Libyan crisis continues as the western edge of Misurata came under heavy mortar fire and sniper attacks within the last week. The Libyan government has pledged to allow the United Nations to set up a relief station to provide medical aid and sustenance to the people of Tripoli. Over 100 people have been reported dead in local hospitals. Representatives of the United Nations are determined to supply aid to the people of Libya by expanding their Red Cross operations deeper into the country, if possible. Important drugs and supplies have been depleted within the country, adding to a death toll that is already high from violence. City Council representatives of Misurate are angry with the United Nations, saying that NATO is failing to protect Libyans from Gadhafi’s troops. “We are officially let down and disappointed by NATO,” an anonymous council member named Mohammed said. The crisis continues to escalate.
Libyan City of Misurata to Receive UN Aid

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