Ivory Coast Strongman Captured

Former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo was captured in a joint raid by French military forces and troops loyal to President-elect Alassane Ouattara and arrested, ending a week-long siege.

Gbagbo sparked a civil war after refusing to cede the presidency after Ouattara won a run-off election last November. Amid heavy fighting that has carried on for several weeks since that time, Gbagbo barricaded himself inside his presidential palace.

The arrest of the former authoritarian president is a step forward for Ouattara assuming his elected position as president. It still may not put an end to what has become a full-scale civil war. Forces loyal to Gbagbo still remain strong and there is some indication the former president had lost control over them prior to his arrest.

Heavy fighting has created a dire humanitarian situation inside the Ivory Coast. Water and food shortages are common and has led to widespread looting.

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