Flying is faster. Check out the two local airlines Aegean and Olympic air. Although they don’t make island-bound trips every day, they can turn that all-day boat ride into a 45 minute hop. They cost more but are still generally quite a bargain especially considering the time saved out of a ten-day vacation.
If youre tight on time consider flying to some of the islands rather than ferrying for a long haul. If youre trying to get far it will short circuit a lot of the time spent on a boat, Alexis Averbuck, an author of Lonely Planet guides to Greece. To me its worth springing the extra just to get you where you want to go if time is tight.
Finally, inland travel means trains and, mostly, buses. Prices range widely depending on where you’re headed, whether it’s an overnight trip to Delphi or a long road to the Peloponnese. Choose trains wherever possible, as the buses tend to serve local routes and stop frequently.
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