Warner Bros. Pictures is has started work on a new film based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close,” a story that centers around a boy, played by Thomas Horn, whose father, played by Tom Hanks, was a victim of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Horn’s character believes his father left him a message hidden in New York City, and, as he embarks on an adventure around the city, he comes to terms with his loss and learns valuable lessons about the world. Other major players in the movie include Sandra Bullock, who plays the mother and grieving widow, director Stephen Daldry, producer Scott Rudin, and supporting actors James Gandolfini and Max von Sydow. The film’s screenplay was written by Eric Roth, who also composed scripts for “Forrest Gump” and “The Insider.” The release of this anticipated film with its famous cast and crew is scheduled for 2011.
“Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”

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