Arkansas Storms

Two people died in Tushka, Oklahoma, as a tornado ripped through the tiny town late Thursday afternoon. The storm system also spawned 80-mile an hour winds in Arkansas, where five people were killed.

The twister carved a seven-mile long, half-mile wide path of destruction, damaging at least 50 homes in and around Tushka. Mobile homes were blown off foundations, some being “flipped over and rolled into a ball,” according to an emergency worker. The local school lost its roof, and dozens of trees were knocked down, blocking streets. On highway 69, the northbound lane was blocked by upended semi trucks.

Most of the deaths in Arkansas came from damage caused by trees and branches crashing onto mobile homes.

One woman was killed when her trailer was blown 70 feet from its foundation, said a spokesman for the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management.

As the giant system moves eastward Friday, forecasters are predicting high winds and possible tornadoes for Mississippi and Alabama.


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