Flying Pencil Found off Kent Coast

A Dornier 17 Nazi aircraft used during the Second World War has been located at the bottom of the English Channel just off the Kent coast in an area known as the Goodwin Sands.

A museum in Great Britain wants to pull it out of the Channel and have it restored. The plane is in good condition with some damage to the forward cockpit, observation windows and propellers.

The plane was originally shot down during the Battle of Britain landing upside down in water that is no deeper than 50 feet. In fact, during low water times, the plane has been visible since it was shot down on August 26, 1940, seventy one years ago. In August, 54 Dorniers were shot down.  A total of 171 were lost during the Battle of Britain. The Royal Air Force Museum in London is very interested in preserving the plane which was more popularly known as the flying pencil because of its shape.

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