California Governor Signs Law Protecting Gig Economy Workers

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, speaks at an August 28 rally in Sacramento, Calif., calling for passage of AB5 to limit when companies can label workers as independent contractors.
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Rich Pedroncelli/AP
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a sweeping new labor law Wednesday extending wage and benefit protections to about a million workers and aimed primarily at drivers contracted by ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft.
Newsom had argued that when workers are misclassified as independent contractors rather than as employees, they lose basic benefits such as minimum wage, paid sick days, and health insurance.
“The hollowing out of our middle-class has been 40 years in the making, and the need to create lasting economic security for our workforce demands action,” Newsom said in his signing statement.
“Today, we are disrupting the status quo and taking a bold step forward to rebuild our middle class and reshape the future of workers as we know it,” Democratic Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego, the author of AB5, said in a statement. “As one of the strongest economies in the world, California is now setting the global standard for worker protections for other states and countries to follow.”
Both labor groups and the ride-hailing companies, such as Uber, anticipate national implications from the signing of AB5.
The bill covers workers in a variety of industries, including health care, trucking and media. Some industries, such as real estate, commercial fishing and cosmetology services carved out exemptions from the law.
But the app-based tech companies, primarily Uber, Lyft and Doordash, were not granted exemptions and Uber says it does not plan to reclassify their drivers as employees after the bill goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.
The three companies that rely on contracting drivers say they will spend $90 million on a 2020 ballot measure to regulate the gig economy workers.
“We’ve engaged in good faith with the Legislature, the Newsom Administration and labor leaders for nearly a year on this issue, and we believe California is missing a real opportunity to lead the nation by improving the quality, security and dignity of independent work,” Tony West, Uber’s chief legal officer, said in a statement issued before the bill’s signing.
Newsom said in his signing statement that he is prepared for more negotiations with labor and business. “A next step is creating pathways for more workers to form a union, collectively bargain to earn more, and have a stronger voice at work – all while preserving flexibility and innovation,” he said.
The Chess Grandmaster’s Diet
Chess grandmasters spend hours sitting over game boards. And yet, high-level players lose 10 to 12 pounds on average over a 10-day tournament. ESPN’s Aishwarya Kumar dug into that statistic.
Chess grandmasters spend hours facing off over game boards. Beyond extending their hands to move pieces or maybe tipping their heads to the side in thought, it really just involves a lot of sitting. And yet, those playing at the highest level lose 10 to 12 pounds, on average, over the course of a 10-day tournament. Now, that improbable statistic was enough to send ESPN’s Aishwarya Kumar down a rabbit hole. She had to know why a mental game takes such a physical toll.
Aishwarya Kumar, welcome to the program.
AISHWARYA KUMAR: Thank you for having me.
CORNISH: Let’s start with the idea of this weight loss or calories burned. How does this compare to other athletes in other sports?
KUMAR: One of the basic facts was the 1984 World Chess Championship, right? So after five months and 48 games, defending champion Anatoly Karpov had lost 22 pounds. And some people said he looked, like, dead. Chess players were burning calories around the same rate as tennis players and competitive marathon runners. Like, in October 2018, Polard, this company that tracks heart rates, monitored chess players during a tournament and found out that this 21-year-old Russian grandmaster, Mikhail Antipov, had burned 560 calories in two hours, which we found out was roughly what Roger Federer would burn in one hour of singles tennis.
And I talked to Robert Sapolsky. He’s been studying primates for a long time now, and he corroborated that fact and said that, you know, chess players can burn up to 6,000 calories in a day by playing a tournament, which is three times that of any human on a regular day.
CORNISH: Now, what did you learn about why? Is it that their brains are just using that much energy, or is there something physiological going on?
KUMAR: Yeah. So the brain obviously is functioning at a much higher level, but we should understand that the brain alone is not causing the weight loss. The brain’s metabolism is causing for different reaction to occur in your body, like increased stress, like loss of appetite, like disturbed sleep patterns. And because of all of these different factors that the brain is setting off – that is the reason they’re losing weight.
CORNISH: I want to talk about world champion Magnus Carlsen from Norway. You learned about his training regimen. Tell me about the moment he realized that he needed a competitive edge and what he did to get it.
KUMAR: Yeah. So it’s interesting with Magnus Carlsen – he realized early on that fixing small things, like what he drinks during the course of a game, will alter the way he functions, especially in the last hour or so of the game. And so one of the things that was really fascinating about this was when I was talking to his dad. His dad was like, oh, we went to the Olympic Training Center. And they were told immediately that the orange juice that he was drinking was causing for the sugar levels to take a huge dip in the fifth and sixth hours of game. And so they were asked to replace that with milk.
CORNISH: Meaning he’d have a little energy crash. So the idea is you need to keep yourself sustained with something that gives you energy but won’t have the crash and that you need to do that even if you’re not skiing, right…
KUMAR: Exactly. Exactly.
CORNISH: …Even if you’re playing chess. So as we look at the world cup of chess, which is happening right now, what are you going to be watching for? What are the things you’ll see and you’ll think, that’s somebody who’s using some training?
KUMAR: I am actually very interested to see how they are sitting because another interesting thing that I found out during the course of the reporting was just how important the posture was. And Magnus Carlsen has perfected the sitting posture that has helped him. He taps his foot gently to keep his alertness on the highest level while still not losing too much energy. He chews gum. So I want to, you know, pay attention to all of those small details during the world cup to be like, OK, you’re – you know, you’re paying attention to all of these smaller elements that’ll set you apart from the rest of the crew.
CORNISH: That’s Aishwarya Kumar, international writer for ESPN. Thanks for explaining it to us.
KUMAR: Thank you so much for having me.
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Delgres Combines Guadeloupean Heritage With New Orleans Creole And Blues

Delgres performs live in Paris for World Cafe: Sense of Place
Kimberly Junod/WXPN
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Kimberly Junod/WXPN
- “Mo Jodi”
- “Respecté Nou”
- “Mr. President”
- “Vivre Sur La Route”
- “Lanme La”
Pascal Danaë was born just outside of Paris and the first time he went to the French overseas region Guadeloupe, he was given the “Letter of Freedom” that belonged to his ancestor, Louise Danaë. She was freed from slavery in 1841 at 27 years old. At the time, she had four children, one of whom was Pascal’s grand grandfather.
The history of slavery and French colonialism plays a big role in the music Danaë makes now with his three-piece blues band Delgres. He named the act after Louis Delgrès, the freedom fighter who resisted the reintroduction of slavery in Guadeloupe by Napoleon in 1802 and died for the cause.
We met up with Delgres at La Boule Noire in Paris to hear live performances of songs from the band’s latest album, Mo Jodi, and to talk about some of the features that make the band so unique. Danaë sang in Creole and his bandmate, Rafgee, played the parts that would normally be handled by a bass guitar on the sousaphone, an instrument typically found in New Orleans brass bands. Danaë also shed light on the historic and musical connection between Africa, the French West Indies and Louisiana, as well as the healing power of the blues.
It’s Not Just Insulin: Diabetes Patients Struggle To Get Crucial Supplies

Ric Peralta and his wife Lisa are both able to check Ric’s blood sugar levels at any time, using the Dexcom app and an arm patch that measures the levels and sends the information wirelessly.
Allison Zaucha for NPR
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Allison Zaucha for NPR
In the first three months after getting his Dexcom continuous glucose monitor, Ric Peralta managed to reduce his average blood sugar level by three percentage points.
“It took me from not-very-well-managed blood sugar to something that was incredibly well managed,” says Peralta, a 46-year-old optician in Whittier, Calif., who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2008.
Peralta was so enthused that he became a “Dexcom Warrior,” a sort of grassroots spokesman for the product. It became hard to imagine life without his new monitor, a device that lets him keep track the trends in his blood sugar 24 hours a day on his smart phone. And yet, he’s spent weeks at a time without the device over the past year because of problems with insurance restrictions. Physician groups and patients consider those rules overly burdensome, but insurance groups defend them as necessary.
Diabetes activists and legislators have started to focus attention on the surging price of insulin, leading to legislative pushes, lawsuits and congressional hearings. But insulin isn’t the only thing people with Type 1 diabetes are struggling to get. Managing the condition requires other essential, often life-saving medical supplies. And patients frequently face hurdles in getting access to those supplies — hurdles put in place by insurance companies.
A life changing device
Peralta learned about the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor from the mother of one of his patients. He visited the company’s website and, within two weeks, the device had been shipped to his front door.
“I still didn’t 100 percent appreciate exactly how it was going to change my life,” Peralta says. “It was amazing.”

In their home in Whittier, Calif., Lisa Peralta pats Ric’s Dexcom sensor to make sure it’s staying on his arm. Before he got the device, Ric had to check his blood glucose via multiple finger pricks and plastic test strips every few hours.
Allison Zaucha for NPR
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Allison Zaucha for NPR
Typically, people with Type 1 diabetes check their blood sugar by drawing a drop of blood from their finger and placing it on a disposable test strip that’s read by a blood glucose meter. Doctors suggest checking blood sugar this way between four and 10 times per day. These readings are crucial for helping people with diabetes manage their blood sugar — keeping it from getting too low, which can lead to sudden seizures and loss of consciousness, as well as from getting too high, which can cause vision loss, nerve damage and can even, over time, lead to amputations.
Instead, Peralta’s continuous glucose monitor gave accurate blood sugar readings every five minutes. That’s 288 readings per day, or about 278 more readings than even the most conscientious patients get the old-fashioned way.
“When I had to do the old-fashioned finger prick test, I was only doing that right before I ate, so I could see how much [insulin] I was supposed to take,” Peralta says. (People with Type 1 diabetes have to take multiple daily shots of insulin to keep their blood sugar within normal range because their bodies stop producing the naturally occurring hormone.)
“I didn’t realize that I had rather severe [blood sugar] peaks and valleys in between my meal times,” Peralta says.
Tighter control of blood sugar can reduce the risk of heart disease, kidney failure and nerve damage. For Peralta, it also offered peace of mind.
The monitor sounds an alarm when his blood sugar is getting dangerously low; Peralta says his coworkers have started bringing him sugary snacks when they hear the alarm, to help him raise his blood sugar back up to normal. When he takes his family on road trips — a favorite activity — he no longer has to worry about the possibility of passing out while he’s driving.
“It even syncs with my car so I can just say, ‘Siri, what’s my blood sugar?’ And it will come over the car stereo system,” Peralta says. “I’m safe for my family.”
Prior-authorization requirements
When common chronic conditions such as diabetes are well controlled, it prevents worsening disease and saves money for the health system and the patient.
But Peralta says his efforts to use this new tool consistently to manage his diabetes have been stymied by insurance problems that began about a year ago.
The newest Dexcom continuous glucose monitor has three parts: a sensor that measures glucose levels, a transmitter that sends out the sensor’s readings wirelessly, and a receiver that displays those readings on a screen.

Testing blood sugar now involves three pieces of equipment, Ric Peralta says: (Left) Peralta holds the applicator that contains the Dexcom G6 sensor and transmitter he’s about to affix to his arm. (Center) the Dexcom sensor and transmitter in place. (Right) Peralta checks the Dexcom app on his smart phone to see his glucose levels before he eats.
Allison Zaucha for NPR
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Allison Zaucha for NPR
For each of these parts, Peralta needs something called a “prior authorization” from his insurer — a requirement from his insurance company that necessitates his physician seeking approval from the insurance company before prescribing the device.
The Dexcom sensors last about 10 days each and Peralta’s insurance allows him to buy a three-month supply at a time. But he also has to get prior authorization for each supply, meaning every three months his doctor needs to reconfirm with his insurance company that the sensors are medically necessary. Same goes for the device’s transmitters — which last about six months each.
“I have to jump through hoops and they have to jump through hoops to get information from my insurance to get authorization,” Peralta says in frustration, adding, “for the last year, basically every time there’s been something that’s gone wrong.”
“Prior authorizations are in place to protect patients, to improve safety and to try to make sure that the care they receive is as safe as possible and also as affordable as possible,” says Kate Berry of the trade group America’s Health Insurance Programs.
But to Ric Peralta, the requirement is a burden.
The most recent snafu happened in March. Peralta ordered a new supply of sensors directly from Dexcom but says the company submitted a request for approval of a new transmitter, as well. And because his insurance approves the sensors and transmitters on different authorization timelines, the whole claim was denied. Peralta estimates he spent four hours on the phone with Dexcom and his insurer over the next month and a half to sort it all out. During that time he had to revert to finger stick tests.
“It’s maddening,” Peralta says. “If I do not have my proper management of this disease I’m going to die from it. And they’re making it as difficult as possible.”

Peralta says he’s so enthusiastic about the benefits of closely monitoring his glucose levels he’s become a “Dexcom Warrior” — a sort of grassroots spokesman for patients with diabetes who use the company’s continuous glucose monitoring system.
Allison Zaucha for NPR
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Allison Zaucha for NPR
A burden on doctors, too
Prior authorizations have become a major concern of physicians across the U.S. health care system, as evidenced by a December 2018 survey by the American Medical Association.
Of the 1,000 physicians surveyed, 91 percent said prior authorizations “have a negative impact on patient clinical outcomes;” 75 percent said the requirements “can at least sometimes lead to patients abandoning a recommended course of treatment;” and 28 percent said the prior authorization process had “led to serious or life-threatening events” for their patients.
“In my practice we have five individual physicians, and we hired five full-time employees whose primary duty is obtaining prior authorization and dealing with insurance companies,” says Dr. Bruce Scott, an otolaryngologist from Kentucky and Vice Speaker of the AMA House of Delegates.
“Prior authorization is a burden on providers and diverts valuable resources,” Scott says. “That’s a problem.”
The AMA has even created a website that catalogs stories of patients and providers who say they’ve struggled to gain access to important medical products and procedures because of problems getting prior authorizations from insurers — everything from pain medication for a cancer patient to X-rays in the ER. Scott says the AMA doesn’t expect insurers to completely do away with requirements for prior authorization, “but we believe that it should be focused and that it should be better planned.”
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists — an organization of the physicians whose specialty is often associated with diabetes treatment — goes even further.
“We feel that physicians that are specialists in endocrine disease should not be required to fill out prior authorizations for endocrine treatments,” says Dr. Scott Isaacs, an endocrinologist from Atlanta and member of the board of directors of AACE.
“It’s a huge burden for the patients trying to get this sorted out. Sometimes it’s red tape; sometimes it’s a true denial,” Isaacs says. “It’s a huge burden for the doctors as well, and the doctors resent it.”
Berry, of the insurance group AHIP, acknowledges that there’s room for improvement in the prior authorization process. In fact, in January 2018, the AMA and AHIP signed a consensus statement identifying five areas for improvement. It was cosigned by the American Hospital Association, the American Pharmacists Association, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and the Medical Group Management Association.
Who bears the greatest burden?
For Ric Peralta, the ultimate burden of getting all these prescriptions filled falls on him and patients like him.
After his latest mix-up with the sensors in March, he discovered the battery in his transmitter had died.
Peralta made another frustrated call to Dexcom, and recently got a complimentary transmitter to get him back on the system while his formal order goes through the approval process.
“I’m quite nervous about what’s going to happen again in two months when I am needing to call in orders again,” Peralta says.
“Am I going to have to go through this whole thing over again?”
This story is part of NPR’s reporting partnership with Kaiser Health News. Bram Sable-Smith is a freelance reporter based in Madison, Wisc., who often covers health care. Reach him on Twitter: @besables.