January 28, 2019

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Globalization At Davos: What Happened?

Gregory Warner’s radio studio at Davos, Switzerland during the World Economic Forum last week.

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Gregory Warner

The World Economic Forum sounds like it should be a gathering of nerdy people in discounted suits in a mid-range hotel in an off-season resort, all standing around drinking Two-Buck Chuck and discussing wonky things like cost-benefit analysis and market-driven incentives.

In fact, it’s exactly the reverse. The WEF in Davos has become an annual event where the rich and famous descend on one of the most expensive winter resorts in the world, in the middle of the ski season. Heads of state rub shoulders with movie stars, sip on expensive champagne, and eat fancy hors d’oeuvres and pontificate in front of the paparazzi about their pet global issues of the day.

Or that’s what it can seem like to outsiders. But it’s that what really happens at Davos? We asked NPRs Gregory Warner, who’s been hanging out there this last week.

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A Fainting Spell After A Flu Shot Leads To $4,692 ER Visit

Matt Gleason fainted at work after getting a flu shot, so colleagues called 911 and an ambulance took him to the ER. Eight hours later, Gleason went home with a clean bill of health. Later still he got a hefty bill that wiped out his deductible.

Logan Cyrus for KHN

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Logan Cyrus for KHN

Matt Gleason had skipped getting a flu shot for more than a decade.

But after suffering a nasty bout of the virus last winter, he decided to get vaccinated at his Charlotte, N.C., workplace in October. “It was super easy and free,” said Gleason, 39, a sales operations analyst.

That is, until Gleason fainted five minutes after getting the shot. Though he came to quickly and had a history of fainting, his colleagues called 911. And when the paramedics sat him up, he began vomiting. That symptom worried him enough to agree to go to the hospital in an ambulance.

Bill Of The Month

Read the other stories in our series here.

He spent the next eight hours at a nearby hospital — mostly in the emergency room waiting area. He had one consult with a doctor via teleconference as he was getting an electrocardiogram. He was feeling much better by the time he saw an in-person doctor, who ordered blood and urine tests and a chest X-ray.

All the tests to rule out a heart attack or other serious condition were negative, and Gleason was sent home at 10:30 p.m.

And then the bill came.

The patient: Matt Gleason, who works for Flexential, an information technology firm in Charlotte. He is married with two children.

Total bill: $4,692 for all the hospital care, including $2,961 for the ER admission fee, $400 for an EKG, $348 for a chest X-ray, $83 for a urinalysis and nearly $1,000 for various blood tests. Gleason’s insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, negotiated discounts for the in-network hospital and reduced those costs to $3,711. Gleason is responsible for that entire amount because he had a $4,000 annual deductible. (The ambulance company and the ER doctor billed Gleason separately for their services, each about $1,300, but his out-of-pocket charge for each was $250 under his insurance.)

Service provider: Atrium Health Pineville (formerly called Carolinas HealthCare System-Pineville), a 235-bed nonprofit hospital in Charlotte and one of more than 40 hospitals owned by Atrium.

Medical service: On Oct. 4, Gleason was taken by ambulance to Atrium Health Pineville’s emergency room to be evaluated after briefly passing out and vomiting following a flu shot. He was given several tests, mostly to check for a heart attack.

What gives: Fainting after getting the flu vaccine or other shots is a well-described phenomenon in the medical literature. But once 911 is summoned, you could be facing an ER work-up. And in the U.S., that usually means big money.

The biggest part of Gleason’s bill — $2,961 — was the general ER fee. Atrium coded Gleason’s ER visit as a Level 5 — the second-highest and second-most expensive — on a 6-point scale. It is one step below the code for someone who has a gunshot wound or major injuries from a car accident. Gleason was told by the hospital that his admission was a Level 5 because he received at least three medical tests.

Gleason argued he should have paid a lower-level ER fee, considering his relatively mild symptoms and how he spent most of the eight hours in the ER waiting area.

The American Hospital Association, the American College of Emergency Physicians and other health groups devised criteria in 2000 to bring some uniformity to emergency room billing. The different levels reflect the varying amount of resources (equipment and supplies) the hospital uses for the particular ER level. Level 1 represents the lowest level of ER facility fees, while ER Level 6, or critical care, is the highest. Many hospitals have adopted the voluntary guidelines.

David McKenzie, reimbursement director at the American College of Emergency Physicians, said the guidelines were set up to help hospitals charge appropriately. Asked if hospitals have an incentive to perform extra tests to get patients to a higher-cost billing code, McKenzie said: “It’s not a perfect system. Hospitals have an incentive to do a CT exam, and taxi drivers have an incentive to take the long way home.”

The guidelines don’t determine the prices hospitals set for each ER level. Hospitals are free to set whatever prices they want as long as their system is consistent among patients, he said.

He said the multiple tests on Gleason suggest the hospital was worried he could be seriously ill. But he questioned why Gleason was told to stay in the ER waiting area for several hours if that was the case. It’s also not clear if Gleason’s history of fainting and overall good health was considered.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina said in a statement that the hospital “appears to have billed Gleason appropriately.” It noted the hospital reduced its costs by about $980 because of the insurer’s negotiated rates. But the insurer said it has no way to reduce the general ER admission fee.

“We work hard to negotiate discounts that reduce costs for our members, but costs are still far too high,” the insurer said. “This forces consumers to pay more out of pocket and drives up premiums.”

Gleason in fighting his bill actually got the hospital to send him its entire “chargemaster” price list for every code — a 250-page, double-sided document on paper. He was charged several hundred dollars more than the listed price for his Level 5 ER visit.

“In this specific example, the price of admission to the ER was more than $2,960. That was on top of more than $1,000 for the medical procedures actually performed. We won’t significantly bring down health care costs until we address the high prices like these,” BCBS-NC said in the statement.

John Hennessy, chief business development officer for WellRithms, a consulting firm that reviews bills for large employers, said the hospital charges are significantly higher than what Medicare pays in the Charlotte area, but those are the prices Gleason’s insurer has negotiated. “Seeing billed charges well in excess of what Medicare pays is nothing unusual,” Hennessy said.

He said the insurer most likely agreed to the higher charges to make sure it had the large hospital system in its network. Atrium is the biggest health system in North Carolina.

He said the coding “makes sense” because it meets the guidelines — even if that meant a nearly $4,000 bill for Gleason.

“The hospital has every right to collect it regardless if you or I think it’s a fair price,” he said.

Gleason reviews the chargemaster list of prices he received from Atrium Health. He questioned many of the charges on his bill after a trip to the ER.

Logan Cyrus for KHN

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Logan Cyrus for KHN

Resolution: After Gleason appealed, Atrium Health reviewed the bill but didn’t make any changes. “I understand you may be frustrated with the cost of your visit; however, based on these findings, we are not able to make any adjustments to your account,” Josh Crawford, nurse manager for the hospital’s emergency department, wrote to Gleason on Nov. 15.

Atrium Health, in a statement to KHN and NPR, defended its care and charges as “appropriate.”

“The symptoms Mr. Gleason presented with could have been any number of things — some of them fatal,” the hospital said.

“Atrium Health has set criteria which determines at what level an [emergency department] visit is charged. In Mr. Gleason’s case, there were several variables that made this a Level 5 visit, including arriving by ambulance and three or more different departmental diagnostic tests.”

Gleason said the $3,700 hospital bill won’t bankrupt his family. “What it does is wipe out our savings,” he added.

The takeaway: Gleason, understandably, says he’s reluctant to get a flu shot in the future. But that’s not the best response. It’s important to know that fainting is a known reaction to shots and some people seem particularly prone. It’s best to sit or lie down when you get the vaccine, and wait five to 10 minutes before jumping up and returning to business.

Be aware, if you — or someone else — calls 911 for a health emergency, you are very likely to be taken to the hospital. You probably won’t have a choice of which one. And a hospital trip may not even be needed, so think before you call: “How do I feel?”

The medical professional who administered the shot might have suggested that calling 911 wasn’t a smart or needed response for a known side effect of a vaccine injection in a young person.

The emergency room is the most expensive place to seek care.

In hindsight, Gleason might have gone to an urgent care facility or called his primary care doctor, who could have evaluated him and run some tests at much lower prices, if needed.

But employers, hospitals and doctors regularly tell patients if they need immediate care to go to the ER, and hospitals often tout short waiting times in their ERs.

With high deductibles becoming more common, consumers need to be aware that a single trip to the hospital, especially an ER, could cost them thousands of dollars — even for symptoms that turn out to be nothing serious.

Alex Olgin of WFAE and Elisabeth Rosenthal of Kaiser Health News contributed contributed to the audio version of this story.

Do you have an exorbitant or baffling medical bill? Please share it with us and and tell us about your experience here.

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South Korea Will Interview Thousands Of Athletes After Rape And Abuse Allegations

Shim Suk-hee (front left) races during the women’s 1,500-meter finals at a World Cup short track speedskating event at the Utah Olympic Oval on Nov. 13, 2016, in Kearns, Utah.

Rick Bowmer/AP

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Rick Bowmer/AP

South Korea’s human rights commission is launching a sprawling investigation into sexual abuse and violence in sports, following multiple allegations that coaches mistreated and attacked athletes.

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea plans to interview thousands more athletes, including children and adults, about possible mistreatment.

“Physical and sexual harassment in the sports community take place repeatedly within a structured system, rather than accidentally,” the commission’s chief Choi Young-ae told a news conference in Seoul last week. “Violence is exonerated in the performance-centered culture.”

The commission, an independent body set up by the government, says it is assembling a team to carry out the interviews for one year, after which it might recommend further investigation and possible prosecution.

Earlier this month, three government ministries in charge of gender equality, education and sports pledged to coordinate action to make sure offenders, and those who ignore or cover up abuse, are prosecuted.

“From now on, we will make sure that victims of sexual abuse can call on the authorities without having to fear backlash,” Lee Sook-jin, vice minister of gender equality and family, told reporters on Thursday.

South Korea’s Olympic medal counts have ranked in the top 10 in recent years. But the new abuse accusations reveal entrenched problems in the competitive training culture of one of Asia’s rising sports powers, sports and human rights experts say.

The first case that appeared to lead a series of survivors to come forward was short track speedskater Shim Suk-hee, who went missing from the national team’s training camp in early 2018 — weeks before she competed in last year’s Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

A Sports Ministry investigation found that Shim, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, was beaten by her coach Cho Jae-beom the day she went missing. Cho was fired and convicted of abusing four athletes, including Shim. He was sentenced to 10 months in jail last September.

Shim testified at Cho’s appeal hearing last month. Speaking to reporters outside the courthouse, she said, “I mustered my courage to come here today because I hope there will be no more victims like myself in the sports world and because I want to do what I can, not just for myself, but for the future.”

This month Shim went further, accusing Cho of repeatedly raping her since she was 17. She’s now 21.

Cho, who is 37, has denied the sexual abuse charges through his lawyer but admitted to physically abusing Shim and three other athletes.

As the scandal grabbed headlines, a petition on the presidential office’s website calling for harsher sentencing of Cho got more than a quarter of a million signatures.

Government officials and lawmakers promised to get tough on sexual abuse in sports.

“Recent allegations of physical and sexual violence in sports reveal a shameful side hidden beneath the shiny facade of South Korea as a sports powerhouse,” President Moon Jae-in told his aides in a speech this month.

Also in January, a former judo athlete as well as a taekwondo trainee stepped forward to accuse their coaches of physical and sexual violence.

But some observers say the recent series of accusations are just a drop in the bucket.

“Still, the numbers are low, and we all know why,” says Chung Yong-chul, a professor of sports psychology at Seoul’s Sogang University and an activist against abuse in sports. “Because of all the threats, [abused athletes] are afraid to talk about it.”

Sports and Olympics authorities say the government has taken disciplinary action in 124 cases of physical, sexual and verbal abuse against athletes in the past five years, including 16 incidents of sexual abuse.

Chung says the government has been promising to crack down further on abuse for the past decade, but because of a culture of impunity, little has changed.

Some of this culture, he notes, has roots in South Korea’s Confucian traditions, in which a teacher’s authority is just like a father’s: It must be obeyed and not challenged.

“That’s part of the reason why it’s so hard for athletes to speak out,” he says, “because you’re actually accusing a father-like figure, accusing him as an aggressor.”

That’s also why sports authorities who have the power to punish abusers often shield them, Chung says. He adds that athletes are suspicious of the help centers and hotlines set up for them, and that they fear the services may be working against them and protecting coaches and trainers.

Athletes also face limited educational and career prospects after they retire from sports, Chung notes, so they are often afraid of risking their futures by speaking out.

He acknowledges that the current scandal in South Korea bears some superficial resemblance to the case of Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics national team doctor.

But Chung points out that Nassar was sentenced to a total of more than 300 years in prison for multiple sex offenses. In addition, USA Gymnastics’ entire board of directors resigned, as did the interim president of Michigan State University, where Nassar worked as a physician.

“That didn’t happen in Korea,” Chung says. Although the head of the Korean Sport and Olympic Committee apologized to victims and the public, officials have not resigned or lost their posts as a result of the allegations.

Chung adds that if the snowballing scandal and public outrage don’t force an overhaul of a system that has allowed such abuses, then perhaps nothing will.

“So I think this could be the last chance for Korean sports to actually eradicate all the problems,” he warns.

He hopes South Korea will accept a reduced gold medal haul at next year’s Tokyo Olympics, in exchange for an increase in athletes’ human rights.

NPR News Assistant Se Eun Gong contributed reporting.

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