December 9, 2018

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Exclusive: Ed Department To Erase Debts Of Teachers, Fix Troubled Grant Program

Students and grads cross a rickety bridge.

Lily Padula for NPR

For public school teacher Kaitlyn McCollum, even simple acts like washing dishes or taking a shower can fill her with dread.

“It will just hit me like a ton of bricks,” McCollum says. ” ‘Oh my God, I owe all of that money.’ And it’s, like, a knee-buckling moment of panic all over again.”

She and her family recently moved to a much smaller, older house. One big reason for the downsizing: a $24,000 loan that McCollum has been unfairly saddled with because of a paperwork debacle at the U.S. Department of Education.

But for McCollum and many public school teachers, it appears the nightmare is nearly over.

The Education Department is releasing a plan Sunday to help these teachers who have been wrongly hit with debts, sometimes totaling tens of thousands of dollars, because of a troubled federal grant program.

The move comes after an almost year-long NPR investigation that brought pressure on the department. In May, the Education Department launched a top-to-bottom review of the program. Amid continued reporting, 19 U.S. senators sent a letter, citing NPR, saying the problems should be fixed.

When NPR breaks the news to McCollum that the Department of Education is going to fix this, she is astonished.

“Are you serious?” McCollum says quietly. The teacher from Columbia, Tenn., is in her new home, where the walls are bare but there’s a Christmas tree that she and her her husband, A.J., have just put up. The floor is littered with pine needles as her 19-month-old son, Louther, plays in the next room.

Her eyes well up. She lifts a hand to her mouth and laughs. And then she cries. “That is such good news. Oh, that is such good news.”

Kaitlyn McCollum with her husband, A.J., and son, Louther, after learning of the Department of Education’s decision to help teachers who had lost their TEACH grants because of paperwork problems.

Alexis Marshall for NPR

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Alexis Marshall for NPR

The source of the trouble for these teachers boils down to one word: paperwork.

Since it began in 2008, the goal of the TEACH Grant program has been to entice talented, young teachers to take hard-to-fill jobs at schools in lower-income districts, where they are badly needed.

Grants for aspiring teachers to work at low-income schools

Here’s how it works. Aspiring teachers get grant money to help pay for their own college or graduate school. In exchange, they agree to teach a high-need subject, including math or science, for four years in a school that serves low-income families.

But for many teachers, it has turned into a financial disaster because their grants were converted to loans — with interest. All because of paperwork issues.

“On the phone, honestly, I cried at one point. I was like, ‘This isn’t right. It’s not fair,’ ” says Victoria Libsack, who had her grants involuntarily converted to loans after her first year of teaching in a low-income, South Phoenix, Ariz., school.

Libsack had pleaded with a call center agent to reverse the conversion. “I kept asking [for help], and they’re like, ‘I’m sorry. There’s nothing we can do.’ And I was just crying to them, like, ‘How is this even possible?’ “

Here’s what happened: The program requires teachers to submit paperwork annually, for four years, certifying that they are teaching in a low-income school. But the form itself is notoriously obscure. Even the Department of Education agrees, calling it “too complicated and confusing” in one internal document.

Making matters worse, reminders to complete the paperwork are sometimes sent to outdated addresses, and for many teachers, the form must be completed over the summer when their principals, who have to sign it, are away on vacation.

The most significant issue is the deadline. If teachers submit their paperwork late, or if it’s missing a signature or a date — any little problem — the consequences are catastrophic.

One missed deadline and a $24,000 loan

For three years, McCollum sent in her paperwork on time without incident. But in her fourth year of teaching, the last year she had to submit it, she was told her form had arrived late, and her grants were converted to loans, with interest. That’s why she now owes more than $24,000. At the time, McCollum wrote a formal appeal:

“I now face owing the equivalent of a new car [payment] … because the paperwork was received from me a week after the deadline. I humbly ask that you consider all of the years of my hard work and dedication to inner city education. … My husband and I both have worked so incredibly hard to be anywhere but this situation. … We thank you for your consideration and truly hope that you find favor with us on this issue, as it could truly change our lives.”

McCollum’s appeal was denied.

So were Libsack’s appeals for help. She was told her paperwork was processed one day late. And it has been the department’s policy that even if paperwork is just a day late, that should trigger the conversion of a grant to a loan — a process that is irreversible.

“Teachers who work in Title I schools are passionate and they are giving all of themselves,” Libsack says. “So to take advantage of teachers in this way is … so unjust and something needs to be done about it.”

Internal department documents obtained by Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy group, show that even FedLoan, the company that manages the program for the department, recognized that this paperwork inflexibility was hurting qualified teachers and advised the Education Department to fix it. In one 2015 interaction with the department, FedLoan wrote:

“We believe that [annual] certification is an obstacle for TEACH Grant recipients to completing their service obligation, and doesn’t represent their having no intention to honor the meaning behind the grant: that they serve a low income school in a high need field.”

In the memo, FedLoan even requested the authority to change loans back to grants for teachers who were clearly meeting the spirit of the program — teachers like McCollum and Libsack.

Now, in a tacit acknowledgement that the terms of the program have been too inflexible and punishing, the department is doing something about it.

A second chance

The Department of Education now says it will give teachers who lost their grants because of paperwork problems a second chance to prove they were meeting the program’s teaching requirements. It doesn’t matter if a form arrived late or incomplete in the past. If teachers can now document they were teaching a high-need subject in a low-income school, which was the purpose of the program, they’ll get credit for those years of service and have their loans turned back to grants.

McCollum teaches at Columbia Central High School in Tennessee. After she was told her TEACH Grant paperwork was late, her grants were converted to loans.

Stacy Kranitz for NPR

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Stacy Kranitz for NPR

“We get focused on, you know, budgets and legislative requirements and things like this, and frankly, I think sometimes we forget who we ultimately work for,” says Chris Greene, the chief customer experience officer for the Education Department’s Federal Student Aid office. “We know these folks made career-defining decisions to do very noble work. We are absolutely supportive of it. We know we can do better, and that’s what we’re trying to do today.”

Here’s how this fix will work. For teachers who can prove they have fulfilled all four years of service, their debts will be erased. If they have been paying back these loans, the department says those balances will be erased and teachers will be refunded whatever they have paid into the system.

For teachers who have not yet taught the full four years, they too can now get credit for all years served in a qualifying school, regardless of any past paperwork problems. Their loans will be converted back to grant status, and they will have the opportunity to get back on track and complete their service. One caveat: the original terms of the program require that teachers complete four years of service within an eight-year window, and that’s still the case.

Also, none of this will be automatic. As part of this change, the department will reach out to teachers it thinks might qualify for the fix, which it is calling a “reconsideration process.”

But Federal Student Aid Communications Director April Jordan says the burden is still on teachers to speak up. To get their money back, “they need to raise their hand and tell us that they want us to take a look at their certification again,” she says.

If they do that, thousands of teachers around the country who have been hurt by the program would likely be eligible for help.

The scale of the problem

An internal Department of Education survey that was first obtained by NPR found that 1 in 3 participants whose grants had been converted to loans said that he or she was nevertheless likely to meet TEACH’s service requirements or had already met them. The report estimated that was upwards of 12,000 teachers.

Another internal document, obtained by Public Citizen, shows that more than 4,000 formal disputes have been filed by teachers who lost their grants because of late paperwork. And those disputes very likely understate the scale of the problem.

Many teachers have told NPR that call center workers actually advised them not to bother disputing the loss of their grants if they missed a deadline.

“I’m like, ‘Let me talk to your supervisor,’ ” David West told NPR earlier this year. The Lexington, S.C., teacher called FedLoan when his grants were involuntarily converted because of late paperwork. West says the representative on the phone told him, “You can talk to who you want and … you can try to appeal this if you want. But nobody ever wins.”

David West, an art teacher in South Carolina, is a recipient of a TEACH Grant that was converted to a loan after he sent in a form with a mistake.

Sean Rayford for NPR

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Sean Rayford for NPR

As part of its fix, the department says it will also review the older cases of an additional 10,000 teachers whose grants appear to have been converted to loans completely by mistake.

The department is also making changes to protect future teachers. It is extending deadlines and redesigning the certification process to make it much less likely that teachers run into paperwork problems in the first place.

Not all good news

Some teachers who lost their grants say they chose, as a result, to change schools or quit teaching altogether. For these teachers, completing their service within the program’s 8 year window may be a challenge.

They include teachers like Libsack. She says she taught for three years in a qualified South Phoenix school but moved to another state and now teaches in a school that doesn’t qualify. Six years have passed in Libsack’s eight-year window. So to erase her debts under the new fix, the clock is ticking. She would need to quit her current job and teach another year in a low-income school within the next two years.

“I’m very happy that I at least have a chance to not have to pay back all this money,” Libsack says. “But it also puts me in a bad situation because this school where I’m working now, I’ve established relationships with kiddos and families and staff. And so now I’m going to have to rethink next year because I don’t have a very big window.”

Libsack says she wishes the department would give teachers like her more time. Julie Murray agrees. An attorney with Public Citizen Litigation Group, Murray has been fighting the department to release documents related to the TEACH Grant program.

In fact, Murray says, “the department already has a policy where it suspends the eight-year period in some circumstances. So this is not a case in which Congress hasn’t given the department authority.”

Murray points to one more challenge that, she says, the department may have to contend with: The paperwork form the program provides teachers to certify that they taught in a given year doesn’t appear to have gone through a required government review, though it’s not clear what, if anything, that might mean moving forward.

Murray says the department should further overhaul the program over the coming months in a process that’s already underway, known as negotiated rule-making.

“I am ecstatic”

One thing is clear. For teachers who have been hurt by this program, the fix the department is announcing Sunday could help many of them get their grant money back and move on with their lives.

While McCollum still has to go through the official reconsideration process, which could take several months, she says she is going into the holidays with a $24,000 weight off her shoulders.

“I feel very much freed,” she says. “I am ecstatic.”

The department is working to finalize the details of its fix by the end of January.

Teachers are encouraged to go to to find out what they need to do.

NPR wants to hear from teachers as they go through the reconsideration process. Please share your stories with us here. You can find all of NPR’s reporting on the troubled TEACH Grant program here.

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For One Rural Community, Fighting Addiction Started With Recruiting The Right Doctor

Located in Northern Wisconsin along the shores of Lake Superior, Ashland, Wis. has had enough of substance abuse issue. NorthLakes Community Clinic brought in Dr. Mark Lim to start a team providing substance abuse and mental health services.

Derek Montgomery for NPR

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Derek Montgomery for NPR

Lindsay Bunker woke up from a nightmare.

The 32-year-old lives with her sixth-month-old daughter on the Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation in northern Wisconsin. She’s struggled with addiction for over 10 years, mostly to heroin. Then came the nightmare: She dreamt two men were attacking her baby while she could think only about drugs.

“In my mind I was thinking, ‘If I can just get one hit, if I can get one line, I can save her,'” she recalls, pausing before continuing, “I woke up and I was panicking. How can a mother think like that?”

It was a wake-up call. Bunker says she realized in that moment that heroin was “evil” and she resolved to get into treatment. In a lot of rural America, that’s where the story could have ended.

Many rural communities lack basic resources for substance abuse. There are fewer services available than in urban areas—as many as 82 percent of rural Americans may live in counties that lack detoxification services, for example.

Life And Health In Rural America

You can find the other stories in our series about life in rural America here.

But Bunker was lucky. She found a community health center only about an hour from her home that recently expanded its addiction treatment services.

The clinic, NorthLakes Community Clinic,serves Medicaid and Medicare patients, and offers sliding scale payments for those with low-income. It expanded its addiction recovery program with the help of state and federal grants targeting opioid use. Though rural communities across the country struggle with addiction, community health centers like this one are modeling an approach to managing — and funding — treatment programs.

“We were seeing substance use disorders killing our community and we felt it was our job to step up,” says Reba Rice, the clinic’s CEO. “We feel that all of our patients and community members deserve a life worth living.”

Not just opioids

Rice says addiction has torn apart rural communities in Northern Wisconsin in the last five years or so, with an increase in crime, problems in schools, trauma in families.

“It was amazing how many things we were seeing changed,” she says. “The way people looked at each other, the level people were willing to trust each other, and it was all about the changes that this disease makes on its victims”

Lindsay Bunker (left) talks to her counselor Regina Fox (right) at the NorthLakes Community Clinic in Ashland, Wisconsin. Bunker is in treatment for heroin addiction. She says the clinic’s approach is helping: “I love being here. I feel safe. I feel strong. I feel supported.”

Derek Montgomery for NPR

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Derek Montgomery for NPR

A recent poll by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health shows that opioid and other drug abuse is the top health concern for rural Americans.

NorthLakes has long provided primary care, dental and behavioral health services for low-income residents in Ashland, Wisconsin, and in several nearby towns. But as the opioid addiction problem worsened, Rice says she felt a responsibility as a health care provider to do something about it.

“We contributed to the problem so we needed to contribute to the solution,” she says.Rice says opioids were just part of the puzzle: meth and alcohol were huge problems too. In fact, meth use in Wisconsin it has grown by 250 percent in recent years, according to the FBI. But new funds were becoming available for opioid treatment so the clinic applied for those — and is using them to build a comprehensive addiction treatment program that addresses all the substances people there struggle with.

To fund its expanded addiction treatment services, NorthLakes applied for and won a grant from the state of Wisconsin three years ago. It also got other federal grants intended for mental health and addiction. Central to their plan was hiring a physician who could lead the new program, and could prescribe the addiction treatment buprenorphine, known by the trade-name Suboxone.

Suboxone treatment is one of the most effective ways to treat opioid addiction. But it is hard to find in rural areas, because only providers who’ve received special training are allowed to prescribe it. One 2015 study found that more than 80 percent of rural counties in the U.S. do not have a single physician able to prescribe it.

NorthLakes found a physician who could prescribe it and more than that, who had a vision for a comprehensive addiction program.

Building treatment capacity

Dr. Mark Lim says he is surprised he’s here in this 8,000 person port-town on Lake Superior. He’d dreamed of living in a big city since he moved to the U.S. from the Philippines. When he got the call about the job, he was hesitant at first. “I didn’t know where that was on a map,” he recalls.

But he saw this part of Wisconsin, where the death rate from drug and alcohol abuse is nearly twice as high as the state average, as a place where he could make a difference.

Lim’s been board certified in addiction medicine since it was officially recognized as a subspecialty in 2016, but he’s been working in the field since about 10 years ago when he started working in an addiction practice in Maine.

Dr. Mark Lim moved from Maine to become the recovery program medical director at NorthLakes Community Clinic in Ashland, Wisconsin. He wanted to set up a comprehensive practice to treat a range of addictions.

Derek Montgomery for NPR

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Derek Montgomery for NPR

He took the Wisconsin job, with one stipulation: He would start a program to address addiction as a whole. His expertise would be just one part of the treatment approach.

“If I’m just going to be the Suboxone doctor I’m not doing the full practice of addiction,” Lim says.

Because while the medication can be effective for treating opioid use disorder, Lim says addiction is not just about opioids.

“Opioids are big right now,” Lim says. “But you have to work with alcohol too. You have to work with marijuana too. You have to work with methamphetamine, cocaine.”

Rice says she and Lim developed the program together with community partners including educators, law enforcement and tribal leadership. “We were successful because we had a vision for creating a program and so did he,” Rice says.

While it’s rare to have a doctor who can prescribe Suboxone in a rural area like this one, Lim says only about 40 of his more than 200 patients take it. For the rest, his program relies on a combination of counseling, group therapy for addiction and underlying mental health issues, and case management. Staff help to remove barriers to being successful in recovery, helping patients with things like, transportation to the clinic, daycare for parents during therapy, and even job placements.

This kind of recovery program that combines clinical and counseling services is exactly what rural communities need, says John Gale of the Maine Rural Health Research Center.

“That’s exactly the way it should be done. Because most people with a substance use disorder have co-occurring mental health and substance use problems,” Gale says. “If we take care of [a patient’s] heroin problems and we don’t treat the underlying mental health and substance abuse problems, they’re going to go to go to alcohol, they’re going to do something else.”

And while most of the attention and dollars are focused on opioid abuse right now, he says rural communities struggling to address addiction can use those resources to build a larger treatment capacity.

“They can use [those resources] to say, ‘Wait a minute, let’s build a treatment capacity for other people,’ ” Gale says. “And they begin to create a community where you can treat all sorts of substance use disorders.”

Lindsay Bunker gets a ride to and from the NorthLakes clinic from a medical transportation company — it’s about an hour’s drive each way from the reservation. The clinic has a baby sitter who looks after her daughter when Bunker is in appointments. She makes the trip nearly every day.

“I love being here. I feel safe. I feel strong. I feel supported,” Bunker says.

But she only sees Dr. Lim about once a week. Instead, like all of the patients here, she spends most of her time in one-on-one and group counseling sessions. There’s the early relapse prevention group (from which Bunker recently graduated), then there’s the relapse recovery group, the family group, the engaged-in-recovery group. There’ll be a trauma group soon as well.

Bunker says those group sessions are really important in helping her stay in recovery.

“I get cravings and the cravings are being taken away with that medicine [suboxone]. But being here with my peers, I love it. I really do,” Bunker says.

And she says, recovery agrees with her.

“I look good, I feel good, I’m taking care of my kid,” she says. “I’m doing very well.”

Bram Sable-Smith (@besables) is a health reporter based in Madison, Wis.

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