September 11, 2015

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California Approves Physician-Assisted Suicide; Bill Heads To Governor's Desk

Debbie Ziegler holds a photo of her daughter, Brittany Maynard, as hugs supporter Ellen Pontac after a right-to-die measure was approved by the state Assembly on Wednesday in Sacramento, Calif.

Debbie Ziegler holds a photo of her daughter, Brittany Maynard, as hugs supporter Ellen Pontac after a right-to-die measure was approved by the state Assembly on Wednesday in Sacramento, Calif. Rich Pedroncelli/AP hide caption

itoggle caption Rich Pedroncelli/AP

A controversial bill to legalize physician-assisted suicide in California is headed to the governor for consideration, after almost nine months of intense — often personal — debate in the legislature.

If Gov. Jerry Brown signs the bill, California would become the fifth state to allow doctors to prescribe lethal medication to terminally ill patients who request it, after Oregon, Washington, Vermont and Montana.

“Our hope, our fervent hope, is that Gov. Jerry Brown will sign this bill and bring relief to hundreds of dying Californians,” said Toni Broaddus, state campaign director for advocacy group Compassion & Choices.

The California bill was modeled after the Oregon law. It requires two different doctors to determine that a patient has six months or less to live before prescribing the drugs. Patients must be physically able to swallow the medication themselves, and must have the mental capacity to make medical decisions.

Numerous additional safeguards were added to the bill in recent months to sway opponents, including a sunset clause that ends the law in 10 years. Patients must request the drugs three times to receive them — once in writing before two witnesses — and they must sign a form two days before ingesting the medication.

“I can assure you that the joint and co-authors on this bill … have endeavored to build in protections in this law that are stronger than the protections in any of the states where this has been practiced,” said Sen. Bill Monning, D-Carmel.

The bill continued to face fierce opposition, however, from religious groups and disability rights advocates. They are concerned that elderly and disabled people, especially those who are low-income, could be pressured into taking the drugs in order to end or avoid expensive, life-sustaining care. They fear the protections are not enough, and that family members or other heirs could slip the drugs to the patient without their knowledge or consent.

“The legislation effectively paints a target on the back of each and every elderly and disabled person in our state,” said Sen. Joel Anderson, R-San Diego, paraphrasing an elder abuse advocate. “The promises and assurances of the safeguards and protections from the representatives of those in favor are based in innocent ignorance.”

Opponents also criticized the procedure for getting the bill through the Legislature. During the normal legislative session, the bill stalled in the Assembly Health Committee when authors couldn’t get enough votes. Several Democrats from Southern California would not support it.

But proponents managed to navigate through that roadblock by re-introducing the bill during a special session on health care financing, where committee memberships were different. The bill passed the Assembly on Wednesday 44 to 35, and it passed the Senate on Friday 23 to 14.

Gov. Jerry Brown’s office also criticized the political pathway, saying the special session was not the appropriate venue for the physician-assisted suicide bill. But Brown has not indicated where he stands on the issue itself, nor whether he will sign or veto the bill. If he does nothing, after 30 days the bill will become law.

This story is part of a reporting partnership with NPR, KQED and Kaiser Health News.

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Best of the Week: First Look at 'Bourne 5,' Christopher Nolan Announced a New Movie and More

The Important News

First Look: Matt Damon showed off his bare chest for Bourne 5.

Franchise Fever: King Kong vs. Godzilla will happen again. Sam Smith is singing the new Bond song. Disney’s Jungle Cruise will be set in the 1920s. Animorphs might be the next big YA movie series.

Casting Net: Rebecca Ferguson might play Captain Marvel. Tom Cruise will re-team with Doug Liman for Luna Park. Olivia Cooke will star in Ready Player One.

Remake Report: Ronda Rousey will star in the Road House remake.

New Directors/New Films: Christopher Nolan’s next feature got a release date. Johnny Depp wants to make a movie about an Australian race car driver.

Star Wars Updates: Star Wars: The Force Awakens will open early in some cities.

Film Legacies: Back to the Future-inspired power laces are finally coming next month. The Goonies is being turned into an immersive theatre experience.

Oscar Talk: Steve Jobs, Black Mass and The Danish Girl are receiving great early buzz.

Format Fever: IMAX is going to make movies again.

Box Office: War Room took over the top spot from Straight Outta Compton.

The Videos and Geek Stuff

New Movie Trailers: Krampus, The Lobster, AWOL-72, Demolition, Our Brand Is Crisis, I Smile Back, Carol and 99 Homes.

Clips: Tom Hiddleston singing in I Saw the Light. Alejandro Brugues’s episode of From Dusk Till Dawn.

Watch: An honest trailer for The Happening.

See: A sneaky Easter egg slipped into Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Learn: How to be James Bond. And how to make your own homemade Deadpool costume. And the science behind the Ghostbusters proton packs.

Watch: Key & Peele presents Ray Parker Jr.’s other movie theme songs.

See: What the hot new BB-8 toy is made of.

Watch: A mashup of Inception and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

See: This week’s best new movie posters.

Our Features

Film Festival Guide: What’s the deal with the Toronto International Film Festival? See the latest news from the festival.

Geek Movie Guide: Fantasy football with movie characters.

Comic Book Movie Guide: On the supposed feud between Marvel and DC.

Home Viewing: Here’s our guide to everything hitting VOD this week. And here’s our guide to everything hitting DVD this week.



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NYPD Releases Video Of Officer Throwing Tennis Star James Blake To The Ground

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The video released Friday by the New York Police Department shows retired tennis star James Blake leaning against a column outside his Manhattan hotel. Suddenly a plainclothes officer runs up to him, throws him to the ground and handcuffs him.

As the Two-Way reported earlier this week, the officer mistakenly identified Blake as a suspect in an ongoing investigation of identity theft.

James Frascatore, the officer who arrested Blake, has a history of excessive-force allegations. As WNYC reports, he was “named in five civilian complaints during one seven-month period in 2013.” And according to the Associated Press, Frascatore is part of two federal civil right cases “involving men who claim they were beaten, pepper-sprayed and falsely arrested.”

Though both New York Police Commissioner William Bratton and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio have since apologized to Blake, he said in a statement today that he is “determined to use [his] voice to turn this unfortunate incident into a catalyst for change in the relationship between police and the public they serve.” Blake’s full statement read:

“Just before noon on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, while I was standing on a sidewalk outside my hotel in midtown Manhattan waiting for a car to take me to the U.S. Open, a plainclothes New York City Police officer tackled me to the ground, handcuffed me, paraded me down a crowded sidewalk, and detained me for ten minutes before he and his four colleagues realized they had the wrong man.

“The officer, who was apparently investigating a case of credit card fraud, did not identify himself as a member of law enforcement, ask my name, read me my rights, or in any way afford me the dignity and respect due every person who walks the streets of this country. And while I continue to believe the vast majority of our police officers are dedicated public servants who conduct themselves appropriately, I know that what happened to me is not uncommon.

“When this incident was reported in the news media, Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Bratton both called me to extend their personal apologies, and I greatly appreciate those gestures. But extending courtesy to a public figure mistreated by the police is not enough.

“As I told the Commissioner, I am determined to use my voice to turn this unfortunate incident into a catalyst for change in the relationship between the police and the public they serve. For that reason, I am calling upon the City of New York to make a significant financial commitment to improving that relationship, particularly in those neighborhoods where incidents of the type I experienced occur all too frequently. The Commissioner has agreed to meet with my representatives and me to discuss our ideas in that regard, and we very much look forward to that meeting.”

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Oh, Nuts! Why California's Pistachio Trees Are Shooting Blanks

This year, many of the pistachios grown in California's San Joaquin Valley are missing the green, fatty meat that nut lovers crave. Instead, they're empty inside, the result of drought, heat and weather pattern changes that have messed with pistachio tree fertilization.

This year, many of the pistachios grown in California’s San Joaquin Valley are missing the green, fatty meat that nut lovers crave. Instead, they’re empty inside, the result of drought, heat and weather pattern changes that have messed with pistachio tree fertilization. Kreg Steppe/Flickr hide caption

itoggle caption Kreg Steppe/Flickr

In California’s blazing hot San Joaquin Valley, millions of pistachio trees are now buried in clusters of small pinkish-green fruits — what would seem like a bumper crop.

But for many growers of the popular nut, the season is shaping into a disaster. Jeff Schmiederer, who farms 700 acres of family-owned pistachio trees on the western side of the San Joaquin Valley, says about 90 percent of the nuts he has sampled from his trees are hollow — what growers call “blanks.”

“I’ve never seen a year this bad for blanks,” says Schmiederer, who has been farming pistachios since the mid-1990s.

Richard Matoian, executive director of the Fresno, Calif.-based industry group American Pistachio Growers, says hollow nuts are always present in the pistachio crop, but usually the blanking rate runs about 10 percent. This year, as much as 50 percent of the harvested nuts could be hollow, Matoian says. He estimates this year’s harvest could be 300 million pounds or less — down from 520 million pounds in 2014.

Behind the blanks are the same culprits as in many other ongoing agricultural crises: drought, heat and abnormal West Coast weather. Pistachios need plenty of cold during the winter — what farmers call chilling hours. This is essential for the female and male trees to properly bloom and pollinate. But if the winter doesn’t provide the minimum chilling requirements, the male trees, which are scattered among the females, malfunction. So the male trees bloom and release pollen at the wrong time — often, after the female trees have bloomed.

“It could be compared to a bunch of guys going to a party, but getting there late — after all the girls have gone home,” Matoian says.

Last winter was unusually balmy in interior California, with very little fog or rain in the normally wet months and a record-warm February.

For pistachios, the result of such conditions can be hollow nuts. The trees almost always produce shells, even after a winter of suboptimal conditions. However, they don’t necessarily fill out with green, fatty pistachio meat. A pistachio tree full of blanks can easily fool a farmer scoping out his or her orchard from the roadside into thinking they’re looking at a whopper crop.

After harvest, the truth is revealed when the pistachios are dumped into a water bath as part of standard processing. Blanks float, while full nuts sink.

Hollow pistachios aren't spotted until after the harvest, when they're dumped into a water bath as part of standard processing. Blanks like the ones seen here float, while full nuts sink.

Hollow pistachios aren’t spotted until after the harvest, when they’re dumped into a water bath as part of standard processing. Blanks like the ones seen here float, while full nuts sink. Courtesy Andrew Howe/Horizon Nut Co. hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy Andrew Howe/Horizon Nut Co.

California is home to 99 percent of the nation’s pistachio orchards. But not all of the growing regions are showing high ratios of blanks. In lower-lying parts of the San Joaquin Valley, where sinking cold air tends to pile up in the winter, the crop is looking relatively good. Kevin Herman, a grower with about 1,200 acres of pistachios in Merced and Madera counties, is having a fine year.

“I’m not really being affected,” he says. “My blanking levels are only about 5 percent.” Ditto, Herman adds, for his nearby neighbors.

But on the higher-elevation edges of the wide agricultural valley, and in the southern regions, pistachios have not experienced adequate chilling hours for for at least two winters in a row. Yields here have been severely depressed.

The erratic blooming of the trees has also led to timing problems with the harvest. Because the bloom may last longer during warmer winters, fruiting in the summer becomes spread over a longer period of time. For processors, this is a major nuisance and cost. It means operations must keep running for two or three times as long to handle a smaller-than-normal crop.

“Most years, we harvest 90 percent of the crop in a 21-day window,” says Andrew Howe, general manager of Horizon Nut Company, a processor with headquarters in Tulare, Calif. “Last year, it took 60 days.” This year, harvest started in mid-August, Howe says, and will probably run into October.

Gurreet Brar, a nut crop specialist with the University of California Cooperative Extension program, says there may be ways to help pistachio farmers deal with warmer winters. Brar’s research is geared toward understanding how pistachios react when chilling requirements are not met. The hope is to better predict the trees’ behavior and develop chemical treatments to ultimately boost crop yields following warm winters. Breeding new male and female pistachio varieties that require fewer chilling hours to bloom in sync is also a possible solution, Brar says, but one that is decades away.

Pistachios have become a lucrative crop for farmers in California’s San Joaquin Valley. As with almonds, demand for pistachios is huge, and new acreage is being planted rapidly. Currently, California is home to about 225,000 acres of mature trees, with another 75,000 acres maturing toward full production age — which usually comes at seven to nine years. Pistachios are less demanding of water than almonds are. However, to produce a bumper crop, the trees require generous irrigation — a tall order in times of drought.

Scientists are anticipating a massive El Nino this winter, which could deliver gushing downpours and, hopefully, snowpack in the high mountains. For farmers, many of whom have been struggling to keep their crops irrigated, this is excellent news. But for pistachio growers, it might come with a bitter aftertaste.

“We could get a lot of rain and help refill our groundwater reserves,” says Carl Fanucchi, a retired farmer from Bakersfield who now offers consulting services for pistachio farmers. “But it might mean warm weather, too, and less chilling hours.”

That would set the stage for another bum year in the pistachio business.

Trends toward increasingly warm weather even have Herman, virtually untouched so far by blanking, unsure of the future.

“The coffee shop talk around here is speculation on whether the weather patterns we’re seeing are just a cycle, and [we’ll] eventually go back to getting colder weather,” Herman says. “But if this isn’t a cycle, and these changes in the weather are permanent, we’re wondering what the future is going to be for pistachio growers in California.”

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Sam Lee: Tiny Desk Concert

September 11, 2015 9:03 AM ET

English vocalist Sam Lee has an amazing backstory: He found his way to singing professionally after stints as a wilderness survival expert and a burlesque dancer. But what really matters are his mesmerizing performances, as well as his incredible ability to connect with people — certainly with the audience in front of him, but also with the elders he’s sought out to learn these songs.

Lee has dedicated himself to preserving centuries-old folk songs of the U.K. and Ireland, particularly from “outsider” communities like the Roma (Gypsies) and the Scottish and Irish Travelers. But he and his bandmates — ukulele player and vocalist Jon Whitten, violinist and vocalist Flora Curzon, and percussionist and vocalist Josh Green — put these ancient songs in thoroughly 21st-century arrangements that feel creative, fresh and surprising, but also deeply human.

Above it all, Lee’s voice blazes through with strength, clarity and confidence. This is an artist who has found his destiny as a singer, a folk-song collector and a steward of stories, keeping them alive and relevant for a new generation.

The Fade In Time is available now. (iTunes) (Amazon)

Set List

  • “Over Yonders Hill”
  • “Lovely Molly”
  • “Goodbye My Darling”


Producers: Anastasia Tsioulcas, Morgan Walker; Audio Engineer: Suraya Mohamed, Josh Rogosin; Videographers: Morgan Walker, Lani Milton; Assistant Producer: Elena Saavedra Buckley; photo by Lydia Thompson/NPR

For more Tiny Desk Concerts, subscribe to our podcast.

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